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The purpose of this research was to study 1) The conjoint analysis of service attributes of the graduates in hotel business management program and 2) The service attributes which are necessary for their careers during the pandemic of coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19). This research was conducted by using mixed methods research whereas the secondary data in qualitative approach were studied and collected by documentary research and the primary data in quantitative approach were collected from questionnaires provide to 222 samples selected based on probability principle by stratified sampling and analyzed with Conjoint Analysis. The research results were found as follows;
Most of participants are female between 24-26 years old, work as a service worker in a private company, average monthly income between 15,001-25,000 baht and working experience between 4-6 years. The 222 participants were employed and had a very high percentage of occupations that required service attributes and also affected by the pandemic of the coronavirus 2019 (Covid-19) in a high percentage as well.
In the part of conjoint analysis, the attributes of service comprised six attributes namely1) personality aspect 2) knowledge and skills 3) attitude towards work 4) interpersonal aspect 5) communication aspect and 6) morality and ethics. The participants emphasized on the interpersonal attributes first at 21.75 percent. For common attributes necessary to pursue a career at graduates, the most favorable are being in good health, numerical analysis and use of technology service mind, can work as a team, can use both linguistic and non-verbal and having responsibility.
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