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Karanphon Wiwanthamongkon
Phatsakon Wiwanthamongkhon


          This article aimed to study the performances of the subdistricts in 10 districts of Suphan Buri province according to 11 goals of Kondee Sri Suphan Project. This is a mixed method research. The instrument for data collection were questionnaires and interview forms according to the Kondee Sri Suphan Project. The statistics for data analysis were mean, standard deviation, and content analysis. The research found that the performances of the subdistricts in 10 districts of Suphan Buri province according to 11 goals of Kondee Sri Suphan Project were as follows: 1) Overall, the achievement level of village operations, in terms of 11 goals of desirable characteristics of Suphan Buri Province, was high. 2) The performances of the subdistricts in 10 districts of Suphan Buri province according to 11 goals of Kondee Sri Suphan Project, overall, were at a high level. Indeed, the target performances can be divided into four aspects as follows: 1) Plan - There was a plan to develop activities in accordance with the plans that had been set previously. 2) Do - It operated with cooperation from all sectors, achieved the goals, received cooperation from the community, and followed the development plan that had been set. 3) Check - There were agencies involved in the operation and there was a distinctive goal, which was to maintain cleanliness of the body, home and community, including continuous supervision and follow-ups. 4) Action - The results of the assessment were analyzed and used for improving more efficient operations.

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How to Cite
Wiwanthamongkon, K. ., & Wiwanthamongkhon, P. . (2021). A STUDY OF THE PERFORMANCE ACCORDING TO THE 11 GOALS OF THE KONDEE SRI SUPHAN PROJECT SUPHANBURI PROVINCE. Journal of Liberal Art of Rajamangala University of Technology Suvarnabhumi, 3(3), 270–284. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/art/article/view/254389
Research Articles


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