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Wanyipha Hongnaphadol


This article aimed to present the interpretation of medical tourism in the context and perspective of various disciplines, as well as to synthesize the results of such interpretations that are different and overlapping. Important conclusions arising from the study of the contradictory concept of “tourism” and “healthcare”, which by nature are often not driven in the same direction. Healthcare services provision should be classified as public services should not be driven primarily by marketing. When tourism is based on relaxation and pleasure; however, healthcare service is related to life threatening and safety. From the perspective of the tourism Industry, medical tourism is seen as a kind of tourism while the healthcare service industry considers it as having nothing to do with tourism. This is because the main purpose of receiving healthcare services is not driven by the intention of traveling. These issues can be useful only when the concepts from a variety of disciplines related to medical tourism are fully integrated to be effective in making Thailand an international health center according to the strategic plan for the development of a medical hub.

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How to Cite
Hongnaphadol, W. (2021). MEDICAL TOURISM: TERMINOLOGY CONNOTATION AND INTERPRETATION IN MULTIDISCIPLINARY CONTEXTS . Journal of Liberal Art of Rajamangala University of Technology Suvarnabhumi, 3(3), 344–358. retrieved from


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