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Rontichai Sawat
Rattana Buosonte


The aim of this article is to study Competency-Based Education (CBE) as Learner Centered instruction which supports learning based on learner’ interests and aptitude, and develops leaners’ advance abilities to reach the goal of core competency for learning, working, solving problem and living. The important competency for learners is a trait included with Knowledge (K), Process(P), and Attitude (A), and all of components could be proceeded through the instruction, lesson plan and competency assessments. However, learners will lack the abilities as their competency if they do not afford three useful practical elements. Therefore, the certain competency commonly means the behavior reveals abilities to use Knowledge (K), Process(P), and Attitude (A) for the real situation successfully.

However, the knowledge, skills, and attitudes learned by learners may not help them succeed at work if the learners lack the ability to apply their knowledge, skills and attitudes in their work, in other words, they lack performance ability Therefore, the knowledge, skills, and attitudes that a person learns are not competent until the person demonstrates the ability to apply such knowledge, skills, and attitudes to work or to solve problems in different situations until success at a certain level.

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How to Cite
Sawat, R., & Buosonte, R. (2022). COMPETENCY–BASED EDUCATION: CBE. Journal of Liberal Art of Rajamangala University of Technology Suvarnabhumi, 4(1), 187–201. retrieved from


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