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Kuanpis Putmanee
Chumnan Chaowakeratipong
Namtip Wipawin


     The objectives of this research are to study information use and the problems of information use for science projects and to compare information use and problems of information use for science projects at science center for education of non-formal and informal education students classifying by gender, age, science center for education competing and types of projects. This research was a survey study with research population and sample consisted of 499 non-formal and informal education students who compete in science projects in the science center for Education in academic year of 2019 chosen by specific sampling as students who received awards from science project contests. The research instrument contest was questionnaire that the approximate scale type had a sentiment value of 0.94. The statistics used in data analysis were percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, F-test and Scheffe’s method.

     The result of the research illustrated that the non-formal and informal education students used information for science projects at the high level in which the mostly used information access were done by mobile phones via search engine. The problems of information use were at the high level in which most problems were found in selecting topics of science projects. By comparing information use, students with different age, science center for education and types of projects used the different information at a significant difference of .05. However, students with the same gender were found to use the same information. For the problems of information use, students with different gender, age, science center for education and project types had different problems of the information use at a significant difference of .05

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How to Cite
Putmanee, K. ., Chaowakeratipong, C. ., & Wipawin, N. . (2021). INFORMATION USE FOR CONDUCTING SCIENCE PROJECTS AT SCIENCE CENTER FOR EDUCATION BY NON-FORMAL AND INFORMAL EDUCATION OF UPPER SECONDARY LEVEL . Journal of Liberal Art of Rajamangala University of Technology Suvarnabhumi, 3(2), 146–160. retrieved from
Research Articles


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