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Phrakhrusamuh Viroj Gunaviro (Tan-Briburn)


                     The conservation of local arts and culture is the preservation of a way of life of the Thai people that are prosperous, tidiness and good morals of the people. Buddhism plays an important role in promoting cultural heritage that makes Thai people more generous without deprivation or encroaching other people or religions. Thais people also has goodwill towards everyone and makes it easy for them to accept and adapt to things from different cultures in terms of social and administrative culture because of the influence of Buddhist principles related to the rulers, subordinates and methods of governing. However, the success of conservation lies in the cultural basis of each national or social group. Culture is transformed into prosperity where people in society have intelligence, abilities, discover what exists but remain hidden and create new ones on the foundation of the old. Only forward changes will stabilize the culture as academically called dynamic culture to maintain the stability and character of their society forever. Buddhism is the root of the nation and original unique in Thailand in terms of both social and cultural aspects. Sangha organization and monk's body It is the mechanism driving the way of life of the Buddhists to move in a stable Buddhist way. At the same time, social trends and events also play a role in the need for monks to develop and adjust their teaching strategies and train all groups of people wisely and up to date.


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How to Cite
Phrakhrusamuh Viroj Gunaviro (Tan-Briburn). (2020). LOCAL CULTURAL CONSERVATION OF BUDDHIST MONKS. Journal of Liberal Art of Rajamangala University of Technology Suvarnabhumi, 2(3), 567–578. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/art/article/view/248781


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