
  • Areerat Leelhaphunt Faculty of Management and Tourism, Burapha University
  • Sasiyada Supidanopnatee Burapha Business School, Burapha University




Supplier Development, Supplier Economic Satisfaction, Relationship Continuity, Procurement Process


This study’s objective is to explore both the direct and indirect effects of Supplier Development and Supplier Economic Satisfaction toward Relationship Continuity between a buyer firm and its supplier in the procurement process. It is quantitative research utilizing a questionnaire for data collection. The population of suppliers is 224 firms, and it is purposive sampling. All hypotheses of direct effects were tested by ordinary least square regression, while the hypothesis of mediating effect was tested by Sobel Test, at a 0.05 significant level. It was found that (1) Supplier Development has a direct effect on Relationship continuity (b = 0.358, p<0.001) (2) Supplier Development has a direct effect on Supplier Economic Satisfaction (b = 0.649, p<0.001), and (3) Supplier Economic Satisfaction will mediate a positive effect between Supplier Development and Relationship Continuity (Path ab: b = 0.242, p<0.001). Therefore, it is to confirm that Supplier Development and Supplier Economic Satisfaction are the key factors affecting Relationship Continuity for a business value creation between buying firm and suppliers and maintaining the business sustainability of the Laemchabang deep-sea port provider.


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How to Cite

LEELHAPHUNT, A.; SUPIDANOPNATEE, S. . FACTORS AFFECTING ON RELATIONSHIP CONTINUITY IN THE PROCUREMENT PROCESS OF LAEMCHABANG DEEP-SEA PORT PROVIDER. RMUTT Global Business and Economics Review, Pathum Thani, Thailand, v. 18, n. 2, p. 15–27, 2023. DOI: 10.60101/rmuttgber.2023.267077. Disponível em: https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/RMUTT-Gber/article/view/267077. Acesso em: 23 feb. 2025.



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