
  • วรรณวิชนี ถนอมชาติ คณะการจัดการและการท่องเที่ยว มหาวิทยาลัยบรูพา
  • วทัญญู สุวรรณเศรษฐ คณะศึกษาศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยบูรพา


Competency, Recruitment, Selection


The development and introduction of human resource competency have currently been found almost in all primary human resource management functions in many today companies. In most business organizations, this has also been expected by their management teams. This is because integrating the use of human resource competency as part of techniques in managing or developing their human resources allows the management teams to acknowledge, and be aware of their current human resources capabilities which could benefit them in developing new effective business strategic plans. Forms of competency can be devided into two major parts – 1) the explicite one refers to employees’ Applying the competency on recruitment and selection process can therefore be viewed as one effective orgnaizatonal strategiy allowing companies to gain a competitive advantage in business through the management and development of thier own human resources. competences, which can be easily seen or scrutinized such as knowledge and skills; 2) the tacit one refer to employees’ invisible competences which consist of values, self-image, traits, and motives. The beginning of adopting competency based strategy requires both human resource department and all managers to work together in discussing, reviewing and summarizing a list of needed competencies the employees should have. The three types of competency are 1) Core Competency, 2) Managerial Competency and 3) Functional Competency. By defining a list of competency, companies can improve them to their people so that they can perform their jobs with their full potentials. Human Resource Department has therefore been asked to think about redesigning the way they do their jobs and search for better ways in performing all their HR work functions. In addition, when selecting new candidates, applying competency based selection practices could help companies to distinguish the most suitable candidates from a number of applicants. This can be done by considering possible ways which competencies could be used as effective employee selection selection techniques and measurable criteri


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How to Cite

ถนอมชาติ ว.; สุวรรณเศรษฐ ว. COMPETENCY FOR RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION. RMUTT Global Business and Economics Review, Pathum Thani, Thailand, v. 11, n. 1, p. 158–169, 2016. Disponível em: Acesso em: 23 feb. 2025.



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