
  • ธัศฐ์ชาพัฒน์ ยุกตานนท์ สาขาการจัดการสาธารณะ วิทยาลัยพาณิชยศาสตร์มหาวิทยาลัยบูรพา
  • บรรพต วิรุณราช วิทยาลัยพาณิชยศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยบูรพา
  • ภัทรี ฟรีสตัด วิทยาลัยพาณิชยศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยบูรพา


Compromiser, Potential Development, Mediation, Negotiation, Disputing Labour’s Cases


The purpose of this research is to study any quality concerning the development of mediator’s potential performed mediation in the court, the Labour Court region 2 of Thailand. This is a mixed method research that aims to conduct both qualitative research and action research. The results showed that qualities of efficient mediator performing mediation in the court consisted of three aspects: quality, knowledge and expertise, and performance effectiveness. The three aspects cover 13 areas as follows: Qualifications include as 1) academic completion of Bachelor Degree or more; 2) Knowledge and expertise towards mediation in the court; 3) Socially accepted and responsible work attitude; 4) Devoted and voluntary mindset; and 5) Just and Free of biases; Knowledge and skills include as 1) Full knowledge in Labour Laws and any other concerning labour welfare and protection; 2) Psychological Negotiation skill in compromising; 3) Summarizing skill in substance and significant details. Competencies include as 1) Ethics and Morality; 2) Awareness in mission of mediator; 3) Arts of negotiation and mediation; 4) Strong leadership, intelligence, and good listener; and 5) Excellence in negotiation and mediation. The researcher has a conclusion about the development of mediator’s potential performed in the court that nurturing mediators in skills and practices including the studying of the case studies through seminars and workshop needs to be significantly emphasized.


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How to Cite

ยุกตานนท์ ธ.; วิรุณราช บ.; ฟรีสตัด ภ. THE DEVELOPMENT POTENTIAL OF MEDIATORIN IN THE COURT: A CASE STUDY OF THE LABOUR COURT REGION 2. RMUTT Global Business and Economics Review, Pathum Thani, Thailand, v. 12, n. 2, p. 17–32, 2017. Disponível em: Acesso em: 23 feb. 2025.



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