
  • ดารณี พิมพ์ช่างทอง คณะบริหารธุรกิจ มหาวิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีราชมงคลธัญบุรี


Cluster Analysis, Social Media, Marketing Campaign


The objectives of this research were to 1) find the most important factors influencing purchasing merchandise or using services that are advertised online, 2) identify the number of clusters and the clusters characteristics that purchase merchandise or use services after seeing online advertising in social media. The sample group was people who used to purchase merchandise or used services through online social media such as Facebook, Line, and Instagram. The questionnaires were used to collect data for 400 samples using Convenience Sampling Method. Statistics used to analyze data were percentages, frequencies, correlation, and Cross Industry Standard Process for Data Mining (CRISP – DM) using Operator k-Mean. Data were analyzed using statistical software and Rapid Miner Studio 6. The research results found that the most important factors influencing purchasing merchandise or using services that are advertised online were saving information for further consideration, the text, image, and clip advertising on social media, satisfaction with merchandise or service, and interesting price. For clusters characteristics, the findings indicated two clusters: product conscious cluster and price conscious cluster. Although these two groups had clearly different characteristics, they were similar on the influence of online advertising in saving information for further consideration and interest in the ads once seeing text, image and clip advertising on social media. Up-todate methods and technology innovation should be considered when creating ads online to attract more shoppers and create more shopper’s involvement that would lead to increased purchasing.


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How to Cite

พิมพ์ช่างทอง ด. CLUSTER ANALYSIS FOR MARKETING CAMPAIGN USING SOCIAL NETWORK. RMUTT Global Business and Economics Review, Pathum Thani, Thailand, v. 13, n. 1, p. 139–150, 2018. Disponível em: Acesso em: 23 feb. 2025.



Research Articles