การศึกษาความคาดหวังและความต้องการจำเป็นต่อการพัฒนาหลักสูตรวิทยาศาสตรบัณฑิต สาขาวิทยาศาสตร์การกีฬาและการออกกำลังกาย คณะวิทยาศาสตร์การกีฬาและสุขภาพ มหาวิทยาลัยการกีฬาแห่งชาติประจำภาคกลาง
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This research was designed using quantitative and qualitative methods. The purpose of this research was to investigate the expectations and needs in the development of a Bachelor of Science in Sports and Exercise Science, in Faculty of Sports and Health Science, Thailand National Sports University - Central Region. A questionnaire and a semi-structured interview form were used as the tools of this research and were reviewed by a panel of three experts. The content validity of the questionnaire Set 1 and Set 2 was found at .87, and the content validity of the semi-structured interviewe form was found at 1. The reliability of the questionnaire Set 1 was .97 and Set 2 was .96. The target group samples were 808 key informants derived by purposive selection. The data were analyzed using percentage, mean, and standard deviation. The content analysis was employed in a descriptive method based on the theoretical framework of the research. The findings revealed the following:
The expectations and needs in the development of a Bachelor of Science in Sports and Exercise Science, in Faculty of Sports and Health Science, Thailand National Sports University – Central Region, comprised five significant aspects:
1. Knowledge: knowledge in theories and fundamental principles of general science, and knowledge in profession of sports and exercise science in a multidisciplinary term
2. Skills: skills in life-long learning especially being curious to seek knowledge and tracking changes in profession continually as well as skills in teaching and leadership of exercise in a specific way
3. Ethics: generosity, compassion, honesty, discipline, responsibility, sacrifice, and public mind based on Buddhist teachings and legal principles to lead a happy life
4. Character: leadership, good personality, good physical proportion, self-confidence, and self-expression
5. Curriculum Management: teaching and learning along with field experience focusing on practice, student-centered learning, life-long learning promotion, and curriculum improvement to meet the needs of current situations and future trends.
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