Author Ethical Responsibilities

  1. The article under consideration must be original and not previously published in any other journal, and the submitted manuscript must not duplicate other publications.
  2. The content of the article must align with the objectives of the journal.
  3. Authors must not plagiarize the work of others.
  4. Authors must cite sources when using others' work in their articles, such as images, tables, etc.
  5. Authors must verify the accuracy of references, both in format and content.
  6. Authors must format the article according to the specified template, including font size and style.
  7. All authors listed must have significantly contributed to the creation of the article.
  8. Authors must disclose funding sources and any potential conflicts of interest in the article and notify the editor.
  9. Authors should not include unrelated academic documents in the references and should appropriately cite necessary documents.
  10. Acknowledgements for assistance can be included, but permission should be obtained from those mentioned.
  11. Authors must not report misleading information, fabricate, distort, manipulate, or selectively present data that aligns with their conclusions.
  12. For research involving human or animal subjects, authors must attach ethical approval from the relevant ethics committee. The editorial board's decision to publish is final.

Editor Roles and Responsibilities

  1. Editors are responsible for assessing the quality of articles for publication in their journal and ensuring no articles have been previously published elsewhere.
  2. Editors must not disclose information about authors or reviewers to others.
  3. Editors must review the research methodology and the reliability of results and decide whether the article is suitable for publication.
  4. Editors must have no conflicts of interest with authors or reviewers.
  5. Editors must rigorously check for plagiarism.
  6. If plagiarism is detected, editors must suspend the review process and contact the author to decide on acceptance or rejection.
  7. If an article is found to be plagiarized or data is falsified, and the author refuses to retract it, the editor has the right to retract the article without the author's consent. This is the editor's responsibility and right.

Reviewer Roles and Responsibilities

  1. Reviewers must not disclose any information from the article to others during the review process.
  2. If reviewers have conflicts of interest with the authors, they must inform the editor and decline the review.
  3. Reviewers should only evaluate articles within their expertise and notify the editor if they identify any overlap or duplication with other works.