การเพิ่มขีดความสามารถในการแข่งขันด้วยกลยุทธ์การจัดการโลจิสติกส์ของวิสาหกิจชุมชนผลิตดอกไม้แห้งจากธรรมชาติบ้านหนองสองตอน จังหวัดกาญจนบุรี

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Amornrat Udomcharoensil
Watanyu Choopak
Suwat Nualkaw


This research aimed to: (1) study the logistics processes in production; and (2) identify strategies to enhance the competitiveness of Ban Nong Song Ton Natural Dried Flower Community Enterprise, Kanchanaburi. This research used qualitative methods. The instruments were in-depth interviews and observations of group leaders and members, especially those who had been members for at least 5years, The data were collected and compared using the triangulation methods. The analyzed data were used to create strategies based on the TOWS matrix method. This research found that: (1) The steps involved in manufacturing logistics were dying, drying, assembling the flowers, and putting the bouquet together. Seven days was needed for production in total, depending on the weather and the procurement of natural raw materials from nearby and distant locations. The production model was Made-to-Stock to shorten the waiting time for customers. (2) The group environment has the advantages of low raw material costs and unique craftsmanship. The weakness was the lack of technology to support the operation. The group’s opportunities lay in the support from government agencies. The threats came from the changing weather that could affect the production time and external pressure generated by raw material suppliers from different regions that could affect product pricing. (3) The strategies to enhance competitiveness included creating a variety of products and participating in various exhibitions. The preventive strategies included establishing a network of raw material suppliers to improve bargaining power and increase the inventory of raw materials in an appropriate climate. The solution and response strategies included developing language and technical skills in applying technology to support demand growth and supply management to effectively meet customer needs.

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