ประเพณีจุลกฐิน “เส้นใยแห่งศรัทธา” ชุมชนพุตะเคียน ตำบลท่าเสา อำเภอไทรโยค จังหวัดกาญจนบุรี CHULAKATHIN CEREMONY “LIFELINES OF FAITH” PHUTAKHIAN COMMUNITY, THA SAO SUBDISTRICT, SAI YOK DISTRICT, KANCHANABURI PROVINCE
Main Article Content
The ChulaKathin tradition of the Phutakian community was born from the power of faith
in Buddhism. It is a commitment to the community since the past. Due to the immigration of
many ethnic groups, including Karen, Mon and Tai Yuan, the community has become a
multicultural community. The Chulakathin shows their own beliefs in the society that connect
religion, nature and ways of interdependent life with perfectly blended religious ceremonies. Thus,
these become a part of wisdom, knowledge, ideas, abilities, and beliefs of the community.
From the study, it was found that the process of making Chulakathin clothes of the
Phutakhian community was outstanding and unique. The ritual of planting starts from preparing
the area, sowing the cotton seeds, collecting the cotton flowers, picking the cotton or taking the
seeds out of the cotton, flicking the cotton, spinning the cotton wheel or rolling the cotton, and
spinning cotton or pushing cotton. Moreover, the Chulakathin Weaving Ceremony starts from the
weaving of Chulakathin, cutting, and sewing of Chulakathin robes, dyeing clothes and parading the
Chulakathin robes. There are all valuable processes that consist of social and cultural knowledge
related to the people’s ways of life which constitute the foundation of community culture and
lead to the creation of value and the strengthening of society and culture, including the existence
of Buddhism, continuation of traditions, community identity creation through traditions, ritual and
relationship creation, communion through traditions and rituals, strengthening of education
through the creation of cultural learning resources, strengthening of the economy, especially
through the production rituals and the development of cultural capital from the community as
well as the promotion of cultural tourism.
Article Details

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