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The purposes of this study were 1) to study the exercise of physical education students in Rattana Bundit university in the COVID-19 pandemic situation, 2) to compare the exercise of physical education students in Rattana Bundit university in the COVID-19 pandemic situation by gender. The sample group, derived using Krejcie and Morgan’s Table and proportional stratified random sampling, comprised 169 students in Years 1-5 in the Physical Education program at Rattana Bundit University. The research instrument was a questionnaire on the exercise of physical education students in Rattana Bundit university in the COVID-10 situation. The questionnaire’s validity and reliabity were approved by three experts (I-CVI and Objective=0.6-1.00, and Cronbach reliability=0.95). The data were analyzed using frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation and Independent t-test.
The results were as follows:
1. The physical education students in Rattana Bundit University in the COVID-19 situation were found to exercise at the level of “sometimes,” with an average of (= 2.77, S. = 1.07). When considered by item, exercising the circulatory and the respiratory systems was found to have the highest frequency with an average of (
= 2.90, S.D. = 0.84), followed by strength training, with an average of (
= 2.59, S.D.=1.06), and flexibility training with an average of (
= 2.40, S.D. = 0.92) respectively.
2. Regarding the comparison of the exercise of physical education students in Rattana Bundit University in the COVID-19 situation according to gender, it was found that males and females exercised the circulatory and respiratory systems, strength training, and flexibility training at different levels at the statistical significance level of .05. On average, males did strength and flexibility training with higher frequencies than females.
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