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The aims of this research study were: 1) to develop and evaluate the quality of the content and production techniques of e-Learning with cooperative learning using Think-Pairs-Share technique on Basic Micro:bit for grade 6 students of Ban Nong Pak Long School, 2) to compare the students' pretest and posttest scores on e-Learning with cooperative learning using Think-Pairs-Share technique on Basic Micro:bit for grade 6 students of Ban Nong Pak Long School, and 3) to inquire students’ satisfaction towards e-Learning with cooperative learning using Think-Pairs-Share technique on Basic Micro:bit for grade 6 students of Ban Nong Pak Long School. The sample group, derived from purposive sampling, consisted of 38 students in Grade 6 of Ban Nong Pak Long School. The research instruments included an e-Learning course, an evaluation form for the quality of the content and production techniques, a learning achievement test, and a satisfaction questionnaire. The data were analyzed using Mean (), Standard Deviation (S.D.) and Compare Means.
The research findings were as follows: 1) The e-Learning course comprised three parts: 1.1) Getting to Know Micro:bit, 1.2) Micro:bit Control Programming, and 1.3) Creating Work with Micro:bit. The experts rated the quality of the e-Learning content at a very high level ( = 4.63, S.D.=0.41) and the quality of the e-Learning production techniques at a very high level (
= 4.69, S.D.=0.44); 2) The posttest score was higher than the pretest score; and 3) The students’ satisfaction towards e-Learning with cooperative learning using Think-Pairs-Share technique was at a very high level (
= 4.77, S.D.=0.46).
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