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Chartchai Singhadeja
อิงอร ตั้นพันธ์
สุธรรม พงศ์สำราญ


The purposes of this study were: 1) to study the organizational assessment factors affecting the success of an organization of an export sportswear manufacturer, 2) to study the indicators on development towards the high performance organization of an export sportswear manufacturer, 3) to compare the indicators on development towards the high performance organization of an export sportswear manufacturer classified by personal information, and 4) to find the relationship between the organizational assessment factors affecting the success of an organization and the indicators on development towards a high performance organization. The population in the study comprised employees of an export sportswear manufacturer. Mixed methods were used to collect quantitative data from a sample of 116 people. The statistical tools included t-test, One-Way ANOVA, Correlation and Multiple Regression Analysis. The data were collected and analyzed using percentage and mean together with qualitative research data from interviews of 16 samples.

The results showed that 1) the organizational assessment factors affecting the success of the seven elements according to the McKinsey 7S Model were important for the development of excellence for the export sportswear manufacturer at a very high level of importance; 2) the indicators on the development towards a high performance organization in all 8 areas were of great importance to the excellence of the export sportswear manufacturer; 3) it was found that difference in the average monthly income affected the opinions towards organizational development indicators on development towards a high performance organization whereas personal information regarding gender, age, job position, education level, marital status and working age did not affect  the opinions on the indicators on development towards a high performance organization; and 4) the organizational assessment factors affecting the success correlated with the indicators on development towards a high performance organization in all areas, with shared values at a very high level of correlation in the same direction and the remaining six elements at a high level of correlation in the same direction, and the organizational assessment factors in the organizational structure, skills and shared values influenced the indicators on development towards a high performance organization at the statistically significant level of .05.


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