ทัศนคติและพฤติกรรมการใช้แอปพลิเคชัน ธ.ก.ส. A-Mobile ของลูกค้าธนาคารเพื่อการเกษตรและสหกรณ์การเกษตร

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วรลักษณ์ เจริญผล
Supit Ritkaew
นีรนาท แก้วประเสริฐ ระฆังทอง
นิยม กำลังดี
สมนึก เอื้อจิระพงษ์พันธ์


The objective of this research study was to study the relationship between behaviors of using BAAC A-Mobile application, demographic factors, and attitudes towards BAAC A-Mobile application among BAAC customers in Surat Thani Province. The sample of this study was 400 customers. In terms of behavior of using BAAC A-Mobile application, the main purpose of applying for the service was because it was convenient, fast and time-saving because the customers could conduct transactions via BAAC A-Mobile application anytime and anywhere. The most commonly used transactions were balance checking, loans, savings lottery via Taweechoke Savings Deposit Account. The average transaction value per time was less than 5,000 baht.

The frequency of using the services was once to twice per month. The most common time to use the services was 12.00 - 17:59 hrs. The persons influencing the registration for BAAC A-Mobile application were the branch bank staff. Most of the staff were stationed at Ban Na San branch, Surat Thani Province. The solution to problems from using the services was inquiring the bank staff stationed at a nearby branch.

The hypothesis testing results showed that 1) the demographic factors including gender, age, occupation, marital status, education level, income level, duration of service usage were related to the behaviors of using BAAC A-Mobile application; and 2) the attitudes towards the products, pricing, service channels, and physical characteristics, processes, promotions and personnel were related to the behaviors of using BAAC A-Mobile application.

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