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Sroyper Lissani
Siriwan Poonkhetkit
Suradej Lekjaeng
Suree Bosakoranut
Pravas Penvutikul



This research study aimed to study professional knowledge factors in the field of continuing professional development. The experience of working, professional skills, and basic principles of professional conduct could affect the competency of taxation auditors. The population, determined by the Taro Yamane’s formula, comprised 348 Thai taxation auditors derived from simple random sampling. The instruments used in the study was a questionnaire, and the statistics used was descriptive statistics. A multiple regression was also used to test the determined hypothesis. The results indicated that the factors of continuing professional development, professional skills, and basic principles of professional conduct positively affected Thai taxation auditors at a statistically significant level of 0.05. It was found that Thai auditors with continuing professional development performed quality inspection work and provided reliable auditing standard. They were prepared for changes in relevant accounting and financial standards and possessed professional skills. Also, Thai taxation auditors should follow the basic principles for professional conduct regarding confidentiality, transparency, independence, fairness and honesty. Auditors with these qualifications could enhance their performance quality leading to their professional success.

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