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อัครเดช เกตุฉ่ำ
ธัชพงศ์ เศรษฐบุตร


This research aimed to 1) develop and examine the structure of the intention to leave scale for officers in Bangkok metropolitan region and 2) test construct validity of the intention to leave scale for officers. The measurement was tested on 200 officers in Bangkok metropolitan region in phase 1 and 460 officers in phase 2. Data were collected using self-report questionnaire including personal data and the intention to leave scale. Frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation, exploratory factor analysis, parallel analysis, Map test and confirmatory factor analysis were used to analyze data. The results yielded that 1) the intention to leave scale was 2-factor structure including intention to stay and intention to leave with high reliability, 0.93 and 0.88 accordingly and 2) the result of confirmatory factor analysis demonstrated that the intention to leave measurement model labeled statistical robustness with a high quality of construct validity.


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