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วิสุทธิ์ โนจิตต์


The objective of descriptive research was to compare expectation of the graduate’s quality based on learning standard framework, 21st century learning and identity of the graduates of bachelor of nursing science program, Boromrajonani College of Nursing Chainat in academic year 2016. The population comprises of 83 users of the nursing graduates. The data was collected by questionnaire. The data was then analyzed by the descriptive statistics and t-test for dependent samples.

The research yielded that the average scores on expectation on the graduate’s quality compared with the learning standard and qualification frameworks of bachelor of nursing science program, 21st century learning and identity of the graduates were different both in overall and each dimension with statistical significance (p<.01). The expectation on the graduate’s quality based on the qualification framework received the highest score. The dimension received the highest average score was intelligence while numerical analysis, communication and information technology skills received the lowest average. The graduate’s identity and the 21st century learning were at the highest levels. The result of the quality assessment based on the 6 dimensions of the qualification framework was at high level. The dimension received the highest average was ethics while intelligence received the lowest average. The graduate’s identity received high score and the 21st century learning was at the high level. Therefore, the College should revise learning methods and extracurricular activities particularly those that will improve the intelligence skills. The students should be encouraged to learn by themselves both from textbooks, empirical evidence, electronic media while applying and integrating wisdom into health promotion practice.



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