status and problems of school physical education teaching of The Rajamangala University of technology

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กิตติศักดิ์ พ่วงช่อ


Research to study the state and problems of teaching and learning in physical education of Rajamangala University of Technology. The purpose of this research were to (1) study the state and problems of teaching and learning in physical education (2) to compare the differences in opinions on the state and problems of teaching and learning in physical education of physical education instructors and students studying physical education. (3) to propose ways to improve the situation and problems in teaching and learning of physical education in Rajamangala University of Technology. The sample was 108 instructors and 306 students in physical education, sample size Using the table of R.V.Krejcie & D.W.Morgan at .05 level. The tool used to collect data was a questionnaire with IOC 0.95, and solution analysis of data using the program to find the frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. It was found that the status of respondents was the instructors who taught physical education and students who studied physical education. Overall, the teaching and learning environment was appropriate. The problem was at a high level in some areas. Instructors should have a clear and accurate demonstration of their sports skills, dressed in accordance with university rules and appropriate to the sport. The number of materials, facilities, places to use teaching and learning to the number of students should be incresed. There should be clear scoring criteria.

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