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วิจิตรา ประสพโภคากร
วิรัช วิรัชนิภาวรรณ



The purposes of this study were to study (1) the problem of management using state-of-the-art technology and social networks to serve the public in the Bangkok metropolitan government according to the concept of sustainable management. (2) Management and (3) Management model. The concept of sustainable management has been adopted. The economic or social progress or the overall environmental, morality and quality of life. This is a conceptual framework for this study.

            The research methodology of this study. The research model was designed as a mixed method, focusing on quantitative research and using qualitative research as a supplement. Quantitative research is exploratory research to obtain data from a large number of samples. The questionnaire was used as a tool to collect data. The questionnaire was tested for validity. 0.90 and reliability were 0.89. The total number of outpatients was 40,045. The sample was 1,112. The data were collected during the day. 1-30 March, 2018 The complete questionnaire was returned for 915 items, representing 82.28% of the 1,112 samples. Analysis in tables. Include descriptive analysis. The statistics used for data analysis were descriptive statistics, i.e. percentage, mean, standard deviation multiple regression and Pearson's correlation coefficient. In terms of qualitative research. The interviews were conducted by 9 experts, based on random sampling based on the snowball concept,.one-to-one interviews, one person at a time, no less than 60 minutes.

            Research results

  1. Major management problems are public hospitals in Bangkok.

  2. The major management improvement approach is that the state-run hospitals in Bangkok should be equipped with state-of-the-art technology and social networks. The public service is not only clear. At the same time, government hospitals in Bangkok should develop personnel at all levels to ensure the availability of modern communications and technology.

  3. Managed by state-of-the-art technology and social networks to serve the people of Bangkok's public hospitals. These sustainable management is deployed as key indicators of performance and brought it to reality. The five main aspects of the model should be ranked in ascending order: morality, quality of life, society or the environment, and economy or prosperity.

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