Problems of equal rights in administrative litigation of military officials Jiroj Polutt

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จิโรจน์ ผลอรรถ


The purpose of this independent study was to study the situation regarding the disciplinary and rights of military officials to appeal and sue to the Administrative Court and compare the right to appeal and sue to the Administrative Court of civil servants, soldiers, polices, and civilians. As well as presenting appropriate guidelines for prosecuting military officials' administrative proceedings using a qualitative research method. Focus on documentary research by studying principles of law, orders, and judgments of the Supreme Administrative Court. Related to disciplinary action, etc. The data will be analyzed for content by categorizing and categorizing. The results showed that. First, Military officials subject to disciplinary penalties after the Military Discipline Act B.E. 2476, he found that he had no right to appeal and that he could file a complaint with the Administrative Court. Second, police officers subject to disciplinary punishment National Police Act B.E. 2547 and civil servants subject to disciplinary punishment Civil Service Act B.E. 2551 has the right to complain or appeal and prosecution to the Administrative Court. Finally, the guideline for solving the problem of appealing disciplinary orders of military officials to the Administrative Court is that appellant military officials who are dissatisfied with the decision of the appellate body should have the right to file a lawsuit to the Administrative Court.

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ผลอรรถ จิโรจน์. 2023. “Problems of Equal Rights in Administrative Litigation of Military Officials: Jiroj Polutt”. Journal of Law and Political Affairs 1 (1):30–44.
Research Article


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