Guidelines cooperative education practices for successfully in cooperative education practice of 4th year students in the Digital Communication program, Faculty of Information and Communication Maejo University
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This research aimed to 1) study the level of opinions on the implementation of cooperative education and the success of cooperative education practice, 2) study for the success of the implementation of cooperative education. Data were collected using a questionnaire with 118 samples and qualitative research using a focus group discussion with 16 representatives.
The results of this study found that the general information of the sample group indicated that 72 people were male (61.00%) and 46 people were female (39.00%). The average age was 22 years old. The average cumulative score was 2.93. The researcher summarized the results of the research according to the research objectives as follows: (1) the practice of cooperative education at a high level with an average of 4.02 and the success in practicing cooperative education with a high level with an average of 3.77 (2) guidelines for practicing cooperative education that affect success in perform cooperative education as follows: 1) Preparation for cooperative education namely there should be a survey of the need to increase skills and knowledge, organizing preparation training activities for cooperative education practice, and advisors should publicize and advise about cooperative practice agencies that are suitable for students. Including inviting alumni to share their experience in cooperative education. 2) Process during cooperative education practice. Students must have intention and a good attitude toward cooperative education practice. Cooperative education advisor has the duty to supervise, monitoring, and support the students to solve their problem during cooperative education practice until their practice is completed. 3) The process after completion of cooperative education practice, students report back to their educational institutions and submit reports together with the evaluation forms. Including presenting the results of cooperative education practices for evaluating and completion of their academic results in cooperative education subjects according to the cooperative education plan.
Article history: Received 25 July 2024
Revised 17 December 2024
Accepted 19 December 2024
SIMILARITY INDEX = 13.34 %..........
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