The quality of service influences Rajabhat Kanchanaburi University students' decision to utilize food delivery applications

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Kanmanee Ungprasopsook
Thansuda Chuthong
Runchida Daoruang


     This research aims to study and influence service quality factors that affect the decision to utilize food delivery applications of Rajabhat Kanchanaburi University students. This is quantitative research that collects data by using a questionnaire. A sample of 352 students from Kanchanaburi Rajabhat University out of a total population of 3,852 students. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and multiple regression analysis to test the hypothesis with a statistical program. 
     The test hypothesis found that the quality of service can explain 63.80% of the variance in the Rajabhat Kanchanaburi University students' decision to utilize food delivery applications, which is statistically significant, but only responsiveness and tangibility factors influence the decision to utilize food delivery applications. The coefficients of the variables are as follows: Reliability -0.025, Responsiveness 0.425, Empathy 0.059, Assurance 0.064, and Tangibles 0.341. The multiple regression equation can be written as follows:
     y ̂=0.543+ 0.425X2+0.341X5
Article history: Received 12 February 2024            
                            Revised 25 September 2024
                            Accepted 28 September 2024      
                            SIMILARITY INDEX = 1.22 %

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How to Cite
Ungprasopsook, K., Chuthong, T., & Daoruang, R. (2024). The quality of service influences Rajabhat Kanchanaburi University students’ decision to utilize food delivery applications. Journal of Management Science Nakhon Pathom Rajabhat University, 11(2), 26–39.
Research Articles


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