Developing financial skills and digital financial literacy to drive investment in the Stock Exchange of Thailand

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Supaporn Phengpis
Natdanai Aleenajitpong


     The development of financial technology and financial literacy is a substantial study for personal life and cooperation. This facilitates financial transactions to be more convenient. By a change of financial transactions, it is necessary to enhance potentiality of financial skills and literacy. So that they can be applied through financial services to serve every target segment. The improvement of competencies in financial management, financial skills and digital financial literacy should be systematically and well connected. The development of financial services and understanding of digital financial products could be integrated with technology to deal with any changes. Research on developing financial skills in digital era and a use of financial technology could enhance a superior investment performance through digital financial platforms and applications. Online financial services on data analysis for investment decisions and the guidelines of the development of financial skills implemented through seminar, training, a use of digital financial tools help escalate investors’ knowledge and skills. The development of online platforms and training facilitates investor’s accessibility to data. Creating learning media helps support efficient learning. Financial consulting services and the use of technology and digital financial applications could achieve more convenient and secure investments. Correct and up-to-date information of capital market is connected to a networking of learning and sharing experiences among investors. These are important factors for investors to make an efficient investment decision. The development of financial skills and digital financial literacy in propelling investment could create trust and an opportunity to successfully invest in the stock exchange of Thailand.
Article history: Received 28 March 2024                
                            Revised 14 September 2024
                            Accepted 18 September 2024        
                            SIMILARITY INDEX = 3.84 %

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How to Cite
Phengpis, S., & Aleenajitpong, N. (2024). Developing financial skills and digital financial literacy to drive investment in the Stock Exchange of Thailand. Journal of Management Science Nakhon Pathom Rajabhat University, 11(2), 14–25.
Research Articles


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