Cleanroom: Meaning and importance to the pharmaceutical, hospital and electronics industries in Thailand, Factors affecting the use of Cleanroom Performance Testing

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Tadtawan Prakobvaitayakit


     This academic article aims to indicate the factors affecting the use of cleanroom performance testing service in the areas of pharmaceutical, hospital and electronics industries in Thailand. Decision making for customers to use the service is quality, contamination, safety of operator, and reduction of product lost. The cleanroom is an area that regulates the amount of dust, temperature, humidity, pressure, and air circulation within the room is controlled. The international standard issued guidelines for cleanroom controlling and cleanroom testing professionals are certified by NEBB (National Environmental Balancing Bureau). Furthermore, service quality divided into 5 dimensions: tangibility, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy are used to be the guidelines in research studies that influence customer’s purchase in several factors such as brand image, price, satisfaction, and loyalty. 
Article history: Received 9 October 2023    
                             Revised 4 March 2024    
                             Accepted 7 March 2024        
                             SIMILARITY INDEX = 0.00 %

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How to Cite
Prakobvaitayakit, T. (2024). Cleanroom: Meaning and importance to the pharmaceutical, hospital and electronics industries in Thailand, Factors affecting the use of Cleanroom Performance Testing. Journal of Management Science Nakhon Pathom Rajabhat University, 11(1), 55–63.
Research Articles


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