Marketing Mix that affects The Decision to Buy One Tambon One Product of Consumers in The Kanchanaburi Municipality, Mueang District, Kanchanaburi
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The study found that
1) personal factors (gender, age, education and income) significantly predicted the decision to buy one Tambon Oneproduct of consumers in the Kanchanaburi municipality, Mueang District, Kanchanaburi Province. There were not differences.
2) Marketing mix predicted the decision to buy one Tambon One product of consumers in the Kanchanaburi municipality, Mueang District, Kanchanaburi Province That affect the decision of consumer significantly at 0.05. When split into sides, it was found that Consumers will pay attention to the decision to buy OTOP products in terms of price. distribution channels in terms of marketing promotion and The process aspect was significantly different at 0.05. As for the product aspect, the person aspect and the physical aspect Affecting the decision to buy one Tambon One Product in Kanchanaburi Municipality, Muang District, Kanchanaburi Province. No difference.
Article history: Received 20 July 2023
Revised 8 October 2023
Accepted 10 October 2023
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