The Causal Factors Influencing the Success of a Medium-Sized Restaurant Business in Bangkok
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This research aims 1) to study the factors influencing the success of medium-sized restaurant businesses in Bangkok and 2) to study the causal relationship model of the factors influencing the success of medium-sized restaurant businesses in Bangkok.
A mixed research methodology was adopted to carry out this research. Regarding the quantitative method, questionnaires were used among 300 medium-sized restaurant entrepreneurs in Bangkok. For the qualitative method, in-depth interviews with a total of 30 key informants, restaurant business representatives, and representatives from Bangkok Metropolitan Administration were conducted. The data analysis to test the research hypothesis was based on structural equation analysis by AMOS program.
It was found that (1) the most influencing factor in the success of medium-sized restaurant businesses was market response followed by management processes and market focus. The effectiveness of management had no direct influence on the success of medium-sized restaurant businesses. The three factors accounted for the variance in the success of the medium-sized restaurant businesses (R2) as 0.96 (96%), and (2) the causal relationship model of the factors influencing the success of medium-sized restaurant businesses which consist of the management process, market focus, management effectiveness, and the market response was found to be consistent with the empirical data. The harmonious index of the model was as follows:
X2 = 96.85, df = 56, X2 / df = 1.73, p-value= 0.052, GFI = 0.955 และค่า RMSEA = 0.049
Article history: Received 20 March 2022
Revised 10 May 2022
Accepted 12 May 2022
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