Influence of service marketing mix to create a competitive advantage from Chinese tourists
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Research objectives: (1) to survey the tourism behavior of Chinese tourists visiting Thailand. (2) To analyze the composition of the service marketing mix from the assessment of Chinese tourists. (3) To study the influence of the service mix model; service market to create a competitive advantage from Chinese tourists.
The researcher used quantitative research techniques. Data were collected from surveying 400 Chinese tourists who visited Thailand, by using a convenient sample selection method. The statistics used to analyze the data consisted of percentage, means and standard deviation, second order confirmatory factors analysis and multiple indicator multiple cause model were analyzed using a structural model/structural equation model to measure:
1) Tourism behavior of Chinese tourists traveling to Thailand. It was found that those who traveled to Thailand together with the majority of tourists were family and relatives. The main purpose of traveling to Thailand is leisure. The greatest tourist attraction for leisure is visiting beautiful and diverse tourist destinations in Thailand. Cost analysis per person. For a trip to Thailand, it is 5,001-10,000 Yuan. the majority of expenditures are for souvenir purchases and cosmetics. The average number of trips to Thailand is 3-4 times a year. The number of days per trip is an average stay of 3-5 days in Thailand. Most tourist travel over weekends.
The source of Thai tourism information was collected through social networks. Destination analysis for traveling in Thailand was majored to be a friend or relatives accommodation facilities.
2) Confirmative Component Analysis. It was found that the marketing mix that affects tourism according to the views of Chinese tourists consisted of price, distribution channels and marketing promotion respectively.
3) A service marketing mix influence model to create a competitive advantage from Chinese tourists, consisting of distribution channels (β=0.97), physical characteristics (β=0.65), marketing promotion (β=0.33), process (β=0.28), products (β=0.27), price (β=0.17). While the personnel factor will have a statistically insignificant effect (β=0.09). The equation has 94% predictive power.
Article history: Received 7 February 2022
Revised 28 March 2022
Accepted 1 April 2022
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