Integrated Strategies of the Used Car Business in the Covid-19 Crisis
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This research aims to (1) study the factors that influenced the decision to buy used cars in the COVID-19 crisis, (2) study the 7 Ps' marketing strategies that affect the decision to buy used cars. (3) Analyze the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats that affect the strategic management of the used car business in the COVID-19 crisis and (4) created the reconstructive strategy of used car businesses in the COVID-19 crisis and the future,
This research is mixed methods research: using quantitative research methods to collect data with questionnaires from a sample of former used car buyers. 380 people to analyze factors influencing the decision to buy used cars by multi-regression analysis method the qualitative research method uses document research and In-depth interviews with 20 qualified people and integrates important information with results of quantitative research to create an integrated strategy for used car business in the COVID-19 crisis.
Major Findings: (1) using 7P's marketing strategy Most samples There is agreement of such marketing strategies, with the overview to a considerable extent. On a case-by-case basis, used car buyers were the most agreeable: marketing promotion, second only to product and service processes respectively, (2) factors influencing the decision to buy used cars in the COVID-19 crisis that demographic characteristic factors of the sample had no influence on purchasing decisions at all, but found that 7P's marketing strategies that influenced used car purchasing decisions were products, prices, and marketing promotions. (3) The results of analysis of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats affecting the strategic management of the used car business in the COVID-19 crisis found that. The strength of the business is to have a network of direct and indirect partners such as One-stop financing partner and quality garages, etc. The weakness of the business is that the broker network does not cover all areas and lacks experience. The opportunity of the business is that the majority of the target customers are young entrepreneurs Therefore, car tents are required to have staff from the financing company to provide services on loan applications directly at the tent every day. The threats or barrier to business is that the economic downturn has caused less purchasing power and, coupled with most of buyers, are startup operators who have been severely affected by the COVID-19 crisis and (4) The reconstructive strategy of the used car business in the COVID-19 crisis is strategic planning and strategic management of the used car tent business in each region. Most of the marketing tools of the online marketing are google, yahoo and MSN search, and offline is a storefront direct sale so customers can check the condition of their cars in the car tent area.
Article history: Received 4 January 2022
Revised 27 February 2022
Accepted 1 March 2022
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