Factors Influencing Purchase Selection for Bird’s Nest from Convenience Store in Bangkok
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This study aimed to investigate factors influencing purchase selection for bird’s nest from convenience store in Bangkok with emphasis on marketing factors and perceived brand equity factors. Quantitative analysis using a questionnaire approach with 400 respondents with stratified random sampling from experience on consuming bird’s nest was used in this study. The hypotheses were analyzed with Independent Sample t-test, One-way ANOVA, and Multiple Regression Analysis.
The findings revealed these follow
1. Most respondents were personal factors. Hypotheses testing found that the consumers in Bangkok with different age, status, education, occupation, and incomes were differentiated in their purchase decision for bird’s nest (p=0.05).
2. The marketing factors influencing the purchase selection for bird’s nest from the convenience store in Bangkok were Price and Promotion had the influence with purchase decision for bird’s nest from the convenience store in Bangkok (p=0.05).The equation can be written as follows
Y = 0.147+ 0.041 (X1) 0.264 (X2) + 0.013 (X3) + 0.195 (X4)
3. The marketing factors influencing the purchase selection for bird’s nest from the convenience store in Bangkok were brand awareness and perceived quality (p=0.05) had the influence with purchase decision for bird’s nest from the convenience store in Bangkok (p=0.05). The equation can be written as follows
Y = 0.147+ 0.155 (X5) + 0.283 (X6)
Article history: Received 12 February 2022
Revised 17 June 2022
Accepted 22 June 2022
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