Work Practices for Archive Management under Covid – 19 Situation: a Case Study of Office of the Permanent Secretary for Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives
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The purposes of this research were 1) to study work practices for archive management under the COVID-19 situation of the Office of the Permanent Secretary for Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives; compare work practices for archive management classified by personal factors; and 2) to analyze the effect of motivation at work on work practices for archive management; and 3) to analyze the effect of work measures under the COVID-19 situation on work practices for archive management. Data were collected through questionnaires from the sample of 249 employees.
The results of this study showed that:
1) In overall, work practices for archive management under the COVID-19 situation are at high level as well as all three work practices (I-P-O) are at high level. Employees who differ in personal factors in gender, age, education level, position, and year of experience of work practices for archive management have no statistical difference between groups.
2) All four modes of motivation at work are able to explain the variation of work practices for archive management by 44.6%. When considering the independent variables that have a prediction power on work practices for archive management include organization climate (Xa1), relationship with colleagues (Xa2), career advancement (Xa3), and employee morale (Xa4). The regression equation is ŷ = 1.375 + .145(Xa1) + .192(Xa2) + .096(Xa3) + .245(Xa4).
3) Three modes of work measures under the COVID-19 situation are able to explain the variation of work practices for archive management by 48.3%. When considering the independent variables that have a prediction power on work practices for archive management include person mode (Xb1), performance mode (Xb3) and disease prevention mode of measures (Xb4). The regression equation is ŷ = .975 + .282(Xb1) + .208(Xb3) + .220(Xb4).
Article history: Received 24 January 2022
Revised 28 May 2022
Accepted 3 June 2022
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