Exploring issues and difficulties in French teaching and learning based on action-oriented approach in upper northern secondary schools

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Sarochin Ardharn


This research aimed to study and analyze the state of French language teaching in upper northern Thailand secondary schools. The study focused on the teachers' attitudes, the problems encountered in teaching, and the role of grammar in teaching based on the action-oriented approach. A mixed-methods research approach was applied involving data collection from 1) Questionnaires about textbooks 2) In-depth interviews with 15 French teachers and 3) Content analysis of grammar in four French textbooks: Adosphère 1, Adosphère 2, Adomania 1, and Adomania 2. It was found that, overall teachers had positive attitudes towards teaching French based on the action-oriented approach. However, problems from applying mentioned approach for teaching were found, such as insufficient grammar content in the textbooks for learners because of a mismatch between teaching content and the national French-language exam, learners' familiarity with passive learning, learners’ lack of motivation, teachers' time constraints, and lack of technological resources.

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How to Cite
Ardharn, S. (2024). Exploring issues and difficulties in French teaching and learning based on action-oriented approach in upper northern secondary schools. Chiang Mai University Journal of Humanities, 25(1), 48–80. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JHUMANS/article/view/273101
Research Articles


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