Predicting Undergraduate students’ Intention to Study Online Course for Lifelong Learning Using the Theory of Planned Behavior, Growth Mindset, and Intrinsic Motivation

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Rawisara Champatin
Narut Pornprasit


Online courses were an option that expanded learning opportunities and promote lifelong learning skills. This study aimed to predict undergraduate students’ intention to study online courses for lifelong learning using the theory of planned behavior, growth mindset, and intrinsic motivation. The participants were 325 undergraduate students. Data was collected by the questionnaires. The results showed that attitude toward studying online courses for lifelong learning, subjective norms, perceived behavioral control, growth mindset, and intrinsic motivation could significantly predict intention to study online courses for lifelong learning (R2 = .519, p < .001). Attitude toward studying online course for lifelong learning    (b = .192, p < .001), subjective norms (b = .276, p < .001), perceive behavioral control      (b = .236, p < .001), and intrinsic motivation (b = .266, p < .001) have significant standardized coefficients. The results of this study suggested the information for persuasive communication to gain the undergraduate students’ intention to study online courses for lifelong learning.

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How to Cite
Champatin, R., & Pornprasit, N. (2024). Predicting Undergraduate students’ Intention to Study Online Course for Lifelong Learning Using the Theory of Planned Behavior, Growth Mindset, and Intrinsic Motivation. Chiang Mai University Journal of Humanities, 25(1), 8–26. retrieved from
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