Stuart Hall and New Ethnicities: Concept The Proposal for Cultural Diversity.

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Bundit Grivijitr


The famous British scholar, Stuart Hall, who was the immigrant from Jamaica had ever analyzed, criticized and proposed the solutions for social problems in ethnic conflict, ethnic minorities in Europe and other countries that implemented multiculturalism policies in 1980s.But Hall's proposal did not get attention and be adopted as a policy while the leaders of countries such as Germany, England, had come out to declare the failure to implement cultural diversity policies. The researcher found that in the new ethnic concepts (new ethnicities) in 1995, an analysis showed the struggle of black people, immigrants and minorities who used the essential identity of ethnicities to adjust relationships from being oppressed in England and the United States. Hall criticized this would cause long-term problems such as making identity to be political issues would cause the minorities could not harmonize themselves with societies that had social and cultural diversity. Moreover, Hall had also proposed everyone to think of a new ethnic style which was to create coordination with people who had different ethnic backgrounds, without causing their identity to become an identity that had problems in reducing differences both inside and outside the group and back to support the adaptation, the fusion of different people to be able to shift their social status and made the concepts that supported social and cultural diversity to have the hegemony in societies.

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How to Cite
Grivijitr, B. (2019). Stuart Hall and New Ethnicities: Concept The Proposal for Cultural Diversity. Journal of Human Rights and Peace Studies, 5(2), 175–195. retrieved from
Academic Articles


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