Sustainable Indicator of Salesforce Driver Component in Thailand’s Painting Industry
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The research aimed to study the identified driving factors as sustainable indicators of salesforce driver component in Thailand’s Painting Industry. The main research objectives were to (1) study the level of sustainable of salesforce driver component in Thailand’s Painting Industry and (2) develop the content validity sustainable indicators of salesforce driver component in Thailand’s Painting Industry. The questionnaire was used to obtain data from 600 respondents, who were a part of the salesforce in Thai painting industry. The software programs of SPSS version 23 and AMOS version 24 was used in this research. The statistic values used for data analysis were frequency distribution, percentage, arithmetic mean, standard deviation, and the secondary order confirmatory factor analysis for research conclusion. The research found that the sampled salesforce gave high scores for sustainable salesforce driving factors in the Thai painting industry ( =4.36), while for each factor; salesforce knowledge (
=4.56), salesforce attribute (
=4.54), sales performance (
=4.40), sales expectations (
=4.38), sales team (
=4.36), digital marketing communication (
=4.34), sales process (
=4.31), sales motivation (
=4.28), relationship marketing (
=4.28) and organization engagement (
=4.24) respectively. The developed indicators from salesforce drivers in the Thai paint industry had 30 indicators for 10 components. Therefore, as aforementioned, the value of construct reliability: ρc was 0.970 including the value of average variance extracted: ρv was 0.767 and the value of factor loading was over 0.40 at statistical significance at 0.05 and thus the developed factors were consistent with the empirical data.
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