The Competitive Advantage of Street Food Entrepreneurs: The Moderating Role of Social Media Capabilities
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The objectives of this research were to study 1) the level of competitive advantage of street food entrepreneurs, 2) entrepreneurial orientation that affects the competitive advantage of street food entrepreneurs, and 3) social media capabilities moderate the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and competitive advantage of street food entrepreneurs. This research was quantitative research using a questionnaire as a tool for collecting data. The sample size was 386 samples, and purposive sampling. The sample group was street food entrepreneurs in Surin Province. The statistics used in the research were frequency distribution, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and multiple regression. The moderating role was analyzed using the coefficient of interaction variables via PROCESS. The findings indicated that 1) opinions about the level of competitive advantage were at a high level, 2) entrepreneurial orientation had a positive effect on competitive advantage at a statistically significant level of .05, and 3) social media capabilities as a moderator did not affect the positive relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and competitive advantage.
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