The Needs of Hotel Business Entrepreneurs on The Production of Patumma (Curcuma alismatifolia Gagnep) In The Southern Part of Thailand
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The study of the needs of the hotel business entrepreneurs on the production of Patumma (Curcuma alismatifolia Gagnep.) in the southern part of Thailand and collected data from 320 hotel business operators in the southern region using a questionnaire. The statistical measures used for data analysis included frequency, percentage, average, minimum, and maximum values. The research findings revealed that the demand and utilization preferences of hotel business operators for Patumma were commonly in the form of cut flowers for a vase to decorate the premises were the most used by the hotel business operators, followed by flowering pot plants and bedding plants. While some hotel businesses did not favor the use of Patumma for decoration due to difficulties in procurement and lack of knowledge about usage, the study also examined the characteristics of Patumma according to the needs of hotel businesses showed that the production of Patumma in the southern part of Thailand was encouraged, and the most wanted pattern was in flowering pot plants, followed by
cut flowers, pot-cut flowers, and bedding plants, respectively. The most wanted species of Patumma for growing in the southern part of Thailand were cv. Cherry Pink, cv. Chiangmai Pink, and cv. Kimono Pink, respectively. The expected characteristics of Patumma according to the needs were that the colour of the bract should be more than one colour in the gradient pattern. However, most hotel business operators expressed moderate confidence in the production of Patumma as an economic flower, contributing to job creation and income for farmers. Overall, the study highlighted the potential for establishing a decorative wood production business in the southern region of Thailand.
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