Factors Affecting The Decision to Choose The Use Service of Business Sells Products Through Online Channels in Bangkok

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Usarat Sriya
Pinit Kalakasetkorn


This research aimed to investigate the factors affecting the decision to choose the use service of business sells products through online channels in Bangkok. The samples used in the research were the population groups residents and work in Bangkok that purchase products through various online channels. Gathered data by using a questionnaire as a tool. A convenient sampling methods Statistics used to analyze the data includes Descriptive statistics, hypothesis test by F test by finding One-Way ANOVA mean difference and comparing LSD (Fisher's least-significant difference). Multiple linear regressions are analyzed by the linear regression method by analyzing all the variables at once (Enter). The results of the research showed that 1) Lifestyle factors and decision to choose an online distribution channel business in Bangkok respondents had the highest level of opinion. 2) Test results Hypothesis 1 found that of gender, age, status, education levels, occupational, and monthly income levels were different had decisions to choose the use service of business sells products through online were different statistically significant at 0.01 level. 3) Test results Hypothesis 2 found that lifestyle patterns affect the decision to choose the use service of business sells products through online channels in Bangkok statistically significant at 0.01 level. The lifestyle factors can explain the level of decision to choose the use service of business sells products through online channels in Bangkok 84.9%.

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How to Cite
Sriya, U. ., & Kalakasetkorn, P. . (2024). Factors Affecting The Decision to Choose The Use Service of Business Sells Products Through Online Channels in Bangkok. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Thonburi University, 18(2), 181–194. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/trujournal/article/view/273826


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