The Study of Volunteer Motivations and Values Through The Perspective of Phatthalung-Yim Volunteers
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This qualitative research aimed to study the motivation and value of volunteering from the perspective of Phatthalung-Yim volunteers. Data were collected by in-depth interview from 25 volunteers. Data were analyzed using content analysis. The results showed that the motivation for volunteer work participation was divided into 5 main motivation groups: 1) social value motivation 2) self-understanding motivation 3) need to add value and self-importance motivation 4) increasing opportunities for higher education motivation, and 5) relationship with social groups motivation. The value of youth volunteerism found that it was divided into 3 main dimensions as follows: 1) Self-worth, i.e. the feeling of self-esteem, gain friendship, have good physical and mental health, learn how to work as a team, create a good image for yourself, be a good role model for the younger generation, and has accumulated works to increase opportunities for admission to higher education; 2) Value to educational institutions, i.e. students who volunteer have develop their potential in their fields of expertise and promote social-conscious image to educational institutions; and 3) Values to the community and society, i.e. the problems of the community are solved, create a creative space in the community and the integration of relationships between houses, temples and schools. The results of this research will be beneficial to the development of guidelines for strengthening volunteer motivation and developing volunteer activities to create beneficial results for volunteers and the community.
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