Strategies for Creative Community-Based Tourism Development: A Case Study of Thang-Phra Subdistrict, Pho Thong District, Ang Thong Province
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This study was qualitative research aimed at analyzing factors affecting creative community-based tourism development and investigating the tourism potential of Thang-Phra Subdistrict, Pho Thong District, Ang Thong Province. This was to propose its creative community-based tourism development strategies. Collected data by in-depth interviews with two groups of key informants consisting of ten public sectors and six local government officers. Moreover, participatory observation and direct observation were applied to get comprehensive evidence. The findings underlined that its strategy has four strategies—the media production of public relations to promote sales and marketing, the development of community products to boost the grassroots economy, the development of routes connecting creative community-based tourism, and the creation of collaborative networks to drive community-based tourism development.
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