Guidelines for developing brand and packaging to leverage Rotchana Farm Organic products, Srithep District, Petchabun Province

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Paristha Thanomvech
Indhira Me-intarakerd
Pratipat Yamchutikirdmanee


The objectives of this research were to study: 1) brand and packaging of Rotchana Farm Organic products, 2) marketing factors of Rotchana Farm Organic products, 3) Multivariate Analysis of Variants (MANOVA) on marketing factors of Rotchana Farm Organic products, and 4) guidelines for developing brand and packaging to leverage Rotchana Farm Organic products, Srithep Deistrict, Petchabun Province. The samples in this study included 400 consumers of Rotchana Farm Organic products derived by convenient sampling technique. The data were analyzed by percentage, mean, SD, and Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA) and the qualitative data were analyzed by content analysis. The results are as follows. 1) The choice of brand and packaging that the sample group preferred was type 3. 2) The overall marketing factors of Rotchana Farm Organic products was at high level. 3) MANOVA analysis of the marketing mix factors on consumer buying decision on Rotchana Farm Organic products divided by personal factors, gender, age, status, career, and monthly income showed statistically significant difference at 0.05. And 4) The guidelines for developing brand and packaging of Farm Organic products showed the consumer requirement on fresh natural organic products. The packaging should be creative in the form of easy open-and-close cap, clear glass bottle that can properly keep the product with long shelf life, and convenient during delivery and for display. Moreover, the products should focus on the local community identity with a picture of mountain and the farmer group in the product brand.

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Thanomvech, P., Me-intarakerd, I., & Yamchutikirdmanee, P. (2023). Guidelines for developing brand and packaging to leverage Rotchana Farm Organic products, Srithep District, Petchabun Province. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Thonburi University, 17(3), 129–145. retrieved from


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