Relationships between Predictive Marketing Strategies and Performance of Dietary Supplement Businesses in Thailand

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Chutipa Khampan
Sasichai Pimpan


This study investigated the relationship between predictive marketing strategies and performance of dietary supplement businesses in Thailand. The subjects of this study were marketing executive in 83 dietary supplement businesses in Thailand. The data were collected through a mail survey. Correlation coefficient analysis and multiple regression analysis was used to examine the effect of predictive marketing strategies and performance. The results show that predictive marketing strategies positively influenced on performance. Therefore, marketing executive should focus on customer forecasting, product innovation emphasis, and brand extension to provide organizations with useful insights for operations to predict consumer behavior and the leader in the business.

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How to Cite
Khampan, C., & Pimpan, S. . (2023). Relationships between Predictive Marketing Strategies and Performance of Dietary Supplement Businesses in Thailand. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Thonburi University, 17(2), 81–92. retrieved from


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