Study of trade and investment impacts on increasing opportunities for economic expansion from the implementation of the Bangkok-Nong Khai high-speed rail project : Nakhon Ratchasima Station, Nakhon Ratchasima Province high-speed rail
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The purposes of this study were 1. to study the current economic condition of the Bangkok-Nong Khai high-speed rail construction area, 2. to study the economic impact during and after construction of the Bangkok-Nong Khai high-speed rail and study The impact of trade and investment on increasing economic growth opportunities at the end of construction and operation of the high-speed train line Bangkok - Nong Khai in the area of Nakhon Ratchasima High-Speed Railway Station, Muang District, Nakhon Ratchasima Province. There were 3 target groups, consisting of community leaders, residents in the study area, and representatives of various sector agencies. The research tools were questionnaires, data recording forms, and interview form. For data analysis, statistical analysis with frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation and content analysis were used. The study found that if the high-speed rail construction ends, it will have a high impact on trade and investment includes the generation of income from the sale of goods and services, the opportunity to earn income from family assets such as wages, rent and interest, and the opportunity to build buildings, factories, warehouses and accommodation. Therefore, the government should have measures to promote trade and investment in the area, including policies to stimulate the local economy, policies to promote investment in the area and policies to assist entrepreneurs.
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