Product costing for Eco-Food Packaging from Nipa Palm Leaves of Thung Krabue Ruam Jai Pattana Community Enterprise Yan Ta Khao District, Trang Province

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Pennapa Chaowana
Chatree Homkhiew
Worapong Boonchouytan
Thanakorn Damsud
Boonrad Boonradsamee


The purposes of this research 1) to study of product costing for eco-food packaging from nipa palm leaves of Thung Krabue Community Enterprise Yan Ta Khao District, Trang Province. 2) to compare of product costing for eco-food packaging from nipa palm leaves between old mold and new mold of Thung Krabue Community Enterprise. Population are Community Enterprise in Yan Ta Khao District, Trang Province. A specific sample group, Thung Krabue Ruam Jai Pattana Community Enterprise. The study used interview and observation forms to collect data, qualitative data analysis, analyze production cost data in accounting calculation form. As the results, (1) cost calculation for eco-food packaging from nipa palm leaves of Thung Krabue Community Enterprise Yan Ta Khao District, Trang Province namely; direct raw material cost 2.48 baht, direct labor 7.50 baht, manufacturing overhead 630 baht, variable manufacturing overhead 0.53 baht, fixed manufacturing overhead 17,000 baht, total cost per unit in cash 3.01 baht, total cost per unit in accounting 11.69 baht. (2) Compare of cost calculation for eco-food packaging from nipa palm leaves between old mold and new mold of Thung Krabue Community Enterprise. As the results, cost calculation for eco-food packaging from nipa palm leaves using a new mold of Thung Krabue Community Enterprise Yan Ta Khao District, Trang Province. Costs are lower than traditional molds resulting in gross profit per unit and gross profit margin higher than 64.10%

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How to Cite
Chaowana, P., Homkhiew, C., Boonchouytan, W., Damsud, T., & Boonradsamee, B. (2023). Product costing for Eco-Food Packaging from Nipa Palm Leaves of Thung Krabue Ruam Jai Pattana Community Enterprise Yan Ta Khao District, Trang Province. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Thonburi University, 17(3), 17–30. retrieved from


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