Behavioral Economics for building Food Security Under the Situation of COVID 19 in T.Klongprab A.Bannasarn Suratthani Province

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Pongpipat Makchouy
Manolee Sripaoraya Penpong


This research aims to study people's behavior by using behavioral economics for food security and to study the approach to building food security in households in Khlong Prap Subdistrict, Na San District, Surat Thani Province under the situation of COVID-19. The data used in this research were data obtained from interviews with households located in Khlong Prap Subdistrict, Na San District, Surat Thani Province. and small group meetings         A questionnaire with a sample size of 350 households. The statistics used for analysis were mean, standard deviation, percentage, regression analysis. The results of the study revealed that the food security behaviors in a hypothetical Scenario 1 there is no COVID-19 epidemic in Thailand. The probability of choosing to building food security in the food sufficiency dimension (dimension 2) was 0.9824 the highest, followed by food self-sufficiency (dimension 1) was 0.0099. and building career and income stability (dimension 4) equal to 0.0077 Scenario 2 There is an outbreak of the Covid-19 epidemic in Thailand, and there are lockdown measures prohibiting crossing the area from the inter-provincial area, going out for a limited time. The probability of food self-sufficiency (dimension 1) was 0.9909, followed by sufficiency of food for consumption (dimension 2) was 0.0088. and building the stability of the natural resource base (dimension 3) equal to 0.0003. Scenario 3 There is an outbreak of the COVID-19 epidemic in Thailand and there are no lockdown measures. The probability of food self-sufficiency (dimension 1) was the highest, 0.6894, followed by building sufficiency of food for consumption (dimension 3) equal to 0.3101 and building security of occupation and income (dimension 4) equal to 0.0005. Approaches to promoting food security, local authorities can create reinforcements in building food security. building a group process to bring about food security.

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How to Cite
Makchouy, P. ., & Sripaoraya Penpong, M. . (2023). Behavioral Economics for building Food Security Under the Situation of COVID 19 in T.Klongprab A.Bannasarn Suratthani Province. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Thonburi University, 17(2), 133–142. retrieved from


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