The effect of knowledge and skills on forensic accounting practice of the certified public accountant: the mediating role of work readiness

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Supakrit Boonchan
Somchai Lertpiromsuk


This study aims to investigate 1)the level of knowledge and skills required in forensic accounting of a certified public accountant 2) the level of work readiness of the certified public accountant 3) the level of the forensic accounting practice of certified public accountants  4) the mediation effect of work readiness on the impact of knowledge and skills on forensic accounting practice. Questionnaires were distributed to 215 certified public accountants. The data were analyzed by using simple regression and multiple regression statistics. The results revealed that the certified public accountants had a level of knowledge and skills in forensic accounting, level of work readiness, and level of forensic accounting practice, at a good level. It was also found that work readiness is a full mediator in the relationship between knowledge and skills required in forensic accounting and forensic accounting practice at a statistical significance level of 0.05. These results are beneficial for the Anti-Money Laundering Office and the Federation of Accounting Professions in drafting the laws to promote the forensic accounting profession in Thailand.

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How to Cite
Boonchan, S., & Lertpiromsuk, S. . (2023). The effect of knowledge and skills on forensic accounting practice of the certified public accountant: the mediating role of work readiness. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Thonburi University, 17(2), 120–132. retrieved from


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