The Development of Learning Management Skills with Coding Tools Under the Primary Education Service Area Office in Roi Et and Yasothon Province
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The objectives of this research are 1) to study learning management with CODING tools, 2) to determine their effectiveness learning management with CODING tools based on benchmarks 80/80 and 3) To compare learning management with coding tools of early childhood teachers in Roi Et and Yasothon provinces, the sample includes early childhood teachers in Roi Et and Yasothon provinces, which is obtained from the selection of 100 simple random samplings. Tools included examinations and learning management system manuals. The t-test, mean, standard deviation, and percentage were used as statistics. The results showed that: 1) There is a ability to organize learning activities with coding tools at the highest level, the average is 4.67, the standard deviation is 0.46, 2) The efficiency of organizing learning activities with coding tools of primary teachers in Roi Et and Yasothon provinces is 93.40/83.95, which is higher than the set threshold of 80/80, and 3) The capacity of early childhood educators in Yasothon and Roi Et provinces to plan educational activities. A higher average score after the learning activity than before the learning activity was statistically different by 0.05.
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